Letters are mailed out to high school across central Pennsylvania inviting a representative to our Festival each year. Other schools interested are always welcome to participate. A queen is chosen by her character, poise, and ability to communicate with others. Contact us if your school has not received your invitation and you’d like to participate. 

2024 Flaming Foliage Queen – $1,000.00 Monetary Award
First Runner Up – $700.00 Monetary Award
Second Runner Up – $500.00 Monetary Award

Judges Memorial Award given to a Queen Contestant for Outstanding Community Service – $100.00
C. Alex Rauch Award given to an Escort for Outstanding Community Service – $100.00
Photogenic Award
Mr. & Miss Congeniality Awards

View Past Queens

2023 PA State Flaming Foliage Festival Queens

2024 Schedule

Saturday, October 12, 2024
8:00 a.m.

to St. Joseph’s Social Hall – 925 Huron Avenue, Renovo, PA
(you will enter through the basement from the parking lot side.)

9:00 a.m.

All contestants and their escorts should be registered no later than
9:00am. After you and your escort are registered, you will be taken
to your host family’s home where you will stay Saturday night.

11 :00 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction of Festival Judges at St. Joes Social Hall

11 :45 a.m.

Queens’ Luncheon at the United Methodist Church Social Hall

1 :00 p.m.

Official Group Photograph at the Renovo Post Office

1 :45 p.m.

2024 Parade of Queens will begin at Yesterday’s Hotel, {3rd & Huron Avenue)

6:30 p.m.

Queens’ Banquet at St Joseph’s Social Hall

8:00 p.m.

Queens’ Ball at St. Joseph’s Social Hall.

11 :00 p.m.

Curfew for Queen Contestants and their Escorts.

Sunday, October 13, 2024
8:30 a.m.

Queens’ Interviews at St. Joseph’s Social Hall, (9th Street). This is a very
important part of your day. During this event, you will meet with the
judges for your interviews. Beverages and baked goods will be served.

11 :30 p.m.

Queens’ Luncheon at the Sportsman’s Restaurant in Farwell, Route 120.

1 :00 p.m.

Queen and Escort Photos at Bucktail Area High School (optional)

2:00 p.m.

Coronation Ceremony at Bucktail Area High School.
(Each Queen Contestant will be required to give a short speech during the
Coronation Ceremony. Your speech should include: your name, school
you are representing, introduction of your escort, and a thank you to your
host family.)

Host families

If families would prefer contestants to stay with a host family and return later for different events, we have many wonderful families who enjoy hosting contestants for the weekend.

Become a Host Family

Check back in 2024 to learn how to become a host family for next year’s pageant.

Thank You to 2023’s
Host Families

Denny & Missy Getz
Angie Lavelle
Kyle and Amber Stewart
Toot Gentzyel
Dave and Missy Pentz
Corey and Lalya Anthony
Bill and Judy Fornwalt
Diane Krepps
Jay and Vicki Morocko
Gene and Tracy Bruno
Deb Kelley
Patty Lacy
Pam Pedokus
Randy and Jane Edwards
Tom and Terrie Kerstetter
DJ and Carrie Perry
Bruce and Maria Ransom

Master of Ceremonies 2021_Tyler Barth_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

2021 Master of Ceremonies

Tyler Barth was born and raised in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania and still makes Lock Haven his home today with his wife, Rachel and their two children Mia (age 7) and Bo (age 3).

Tyler is a 2004 graduate of Central Mountain High School and a 2008 graduate of Lycoming College. In 2015, Barth obtained his Master of Education degree from California University of Pennsylvania and also earned his K-12 Pennsylvania Principal certification.

Tyler was an elementary school teacher in Keystone Central School District for 7 years and served as the assistant principal at Renovo Elementary and Bucktail Middle/Senior High from 2016-2018. He served as an assistant principal at Jackson Primary School in Williamsport Area School District from 2018-2021 and has recently returned to Keystone Central School District as the principal at Robb Elementary School.

Tyler feels blessed to have experienced the warm embrace of the Renovo community throughout his life. In 2003 he escorted Miss Central Mountain at the Flaming Foliage Festival and that experience is something he’ll never forget. He still stays in contact with friends he made that weekend, 18 years ago.

Barth is extremely honored to be a part of this magical weekend once again. He is grateful for the committee that makes the Flaming Foliage Festival such a huge success. Tyler, like so many others, is excited to see the festival back again in 2021.

2021 Judges Panel

Judge 2021_Julie Brennan_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

Julie is the Chamber and Tourism Director with the Clinton County Economic Partnership, the nonprofit corporation that promotes the economic interests of Clinton County. She has a deep love of the area and has cherished serving as a queens judge for more than 35 years. She first became a queens judge in the mid-1980s and has been part of the judges committee ever since! Julie lives in Flemington. She is a graduate of Lock Haven University with a degree in journalism/communications and has held communications positions with STEP, Inc. (the community action agency serving Clinton and Lycoming counties) and for many years with International Paper Company. She also served as a legislative aide to now retired State Senator John Wozniak during his tenure of service to Clinton County.

Judge 2021_Rick Vilello_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

Rick is the Deputy Secretary of Community Affairs and Development at the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. His department works with every community in Pennsylvania by acting as advisors and advocates, delivering strategic technical assistance, offering training, and providing financial resources to help communities across the commonwealth flourish. He lives in Lock Haven, where he served as Mayor for 15 years, with his wife Marie who is the Clinton County Prothonotary. His grandfather, Chip Vilello, worked in the Renovo Rail Shops from 1923-1965. Rick is excited to return for his third year as judge.

Judge 2021_Marchal Rote_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

Marchal is a life-long resident of Clinton Country growing up in the tiny community of Swissdale.  She and her husband, Brad, have two sons, Josh and Zach.  Marchal has spent most of her adult life volunteering for various clubs and organizations such as Little League Baseball, the American Cancer Society, Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Clinton County Historical Society. Marchal recently retired from Lock Haven University after 33 years of service, and is now able to spend more time spoiling her two grandchildren, and doing some traveling.  She and Brad enjoy many of what the PA Wilds has to offer and is proud to live in such a beautiful part of the country. They currently reside in a little cabin on Kettle Creek between Hammersley Fork and Cross Fork. Best of luck and congratulations to all of the Quee

Judge 2021_Shelly (Edwards) Watson_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

Shelly was the 36th Flaming Foliage Queen in 1984 representing the town of St. Marys. This is her 18th year as judge. She was Principal Speaker of the Queen’s Banquet in 2000. Shelly is a graduate of Indiana University of PA and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. She and her husband, John, own and manage commercial/residential real estate. Continuous volunteer work with the Kiwanis Club of Mars, PA has included the position of the 1st woman President in its 80 year history. She was a founding member of the Lion & Thistle Highland Bagpipe Band of Butler, PA. Shelly is on the organizing committee of a festival called “Mars Exploration Celebration” which partners with NASA and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories) that is celebrated in her current hometown of 27 years, Mars, PA. in Butler County. She is the Chairperson of the S.T.E.A.M. competition for this celebration called “Meet the Mars Challenge!” open to and 2nd through 8th grade students. Shelly and John reside on their farm with their three children, Gunnar (20) a sophomore at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Ruby (18) a high school senior, and Bruce (16) a high school sophomore, with a menagerie of animals and pets.

Judge 2021_Jeffrey Pickering_PA State Flaming Foliage Festival

Husband of Shelbie, son of Richard and Gloria, brother, grandfather. “A Jeff of all trades, master of some”. Jeff started working odd jobs while in High School and continues to seek new avenues of employment. SOME of the positions Jeff has held have been: grave digger, soldier, firefighter, E.M.T., lifeguard, rescue swimmer, school bus-plow truck-forklift driver. As well as: Corrections Officer, railroad worker, Park Ranger, Drivers License Examiner, mail sorter, Stock Clerk, and security guard. This is Jeffrey’s third year judging for the festival and wishes all the queens a fun filed weekend.

Queens Information | PA State Flaming Foliage Festival